Tuesday, June 10, 2008

In the Future...

For a long time, I thought that once I finished Creative Writing, I'd just delete this blog. I'd remain unattached and cool, just posting things required for class, things that had none of my heart and soul in them.

I thought wrong.

The first week of class, I stated on here that I had lost my creative soul, that I had lost the ability to write fancifully. One of the possible reasons I cited was the fact that I wasn't writing stories or poems for classes, so I didn't feel prompted to write them at all. Well, I want that to change.

Although my creativity has been rusty, it slowly loosened up this semester. I want to continue to let it thrive. I want to encourage the free flow of creativity, the creation of stories and characters and words strung together in new ways. I want this to live on.

So I am keeping Mandatory Musings. I want it to be my little corner of the world wide web. I want it to be the place I can post things with no bearing in real life, things born of imagination.

Maybe this won't work like I want it to. Hopefully it will.

1 comment:

Ms. D said...

cat, i hope you will continue to post, as a place where you essay creatively about your adventures/thoughts. I am real happy this has been a good experience for you. I'm also happy you were in my class, and i hope I am always invited to read your mandatory musings since it was my mandate that started them...